Macchine di facile utilizzo adatte per una vasta gamma di prodotti.
Perforare con la F-500 E.S. è molto semplice: l’operatore deve semplicemente inserire la carta sotto il carter e premere il pedale. Dovrà quindi inserire manualmente la spirale e il gancio e chiuderla con la P-500.
Perforatrice F500
Chiuditrice P500
Perforatrice F500
Chiuditrice P500
Punching with the F-500 is very easy: the operator simply has to insert the book into the punching tool and press on the footswitch to punch.
Maximum punching length: 530 mm.
Maximum punching thickness per stroke: 2,5 mm.
Punching distance from the edge is adjustable from 2 mm. Up to 6 mm. depending on the tools used.
Footswitch controlled.
Accepts punching bars of 300 mm. and 230 mm., singly, doubly or in combination with 50 mm. thumb-cut punching bars, up to 530 mm. maximum length, in the same pitch.
Maximum output: up to 1000 punchings/hour, depending on materials used and skills of operator.
Wide range of punching tools available, including tool for plastic-coils holes.
380 V trifase 50/60 Hz; 1,5 Kw (optional 220/240 single-phase)
H 1070 x D 710 x L 1100 mm.
195 Kg.
P-500 Electric closing machine
530 mm width.
Easy to use, economic, machine suitable for a large range of products.
Easy to install
Easy to use
Low maintenance costs
Maximum reliability
Binding is an easy thing with the P-500: the operator only needs to insert manually the wire (and eventually the hanger) into the punched book, place it under the closing device and press the footswitch.
Maximum closing length: 530 mm.
Footswitch control.
Adjustable for closing any diameter.
Maximum output: up to 1000 bindings/hour, depending on materials used and skill of operator.
380/400 V 3-phase 50/60 Hz; 1 Kw (optional 220/240 single phase)
H 1100 x D 710 x L 1097 mm.
102 Kg